Saturday, January 20, 2007

the other day, i was checking my email and i received the following email from su. "how come your blog died?" that's all it said. SIMPLE. ELOQUENT. totally true.

i immediately felt exposed. did this 'su' person know that at the moment i got the email, i was busy alphabetizing my different versions of computer solitaire? did she know that everytime i go to write a blog i end up cataloging how many different colors of 'Post-It Notes' i have? in any event, I don't have an excuse for my disappearance from the blog scene.

call it Blogging Fatigue. which, i suppose, puts my blogging stamina at a record low, since i wasn't the most regular blogger in the first place.

anyway, i wanted to thank su for giving me a push in the right direction -- and for boosting my spirit to write at least a story.

look to hear more from me in upcoming weeks. now, i'm really going to stop. i hope everyone's having an excellent, sweat-free weekends...

meanwhile i'm enjoying every seconds spent with hub and thaqif..

just look how annoying he was when i snap his picture
