Saturday, January 20, 2007

the other day, i was checking my email and i received the following email from su. "how come your blog died?" that's all it said. SIMPLE. ELOQUENT. totally true.

i immediately felt exposed. did this 'su' person know that at the moment i got the email, i was busy alphabetizing my different versions of computer solitaire? did she know that everytime i go to write a blog i end up cataloging how many different colors of 'Post-It Notes' i have? in any event, I don't have an excuse for my disappearance from the blog scene.

call it Blogging Fatigue. which, i suppose, puts my blogging stamina at a record low, since i wasn't the most regular blogger in the first place.

anyway, i wanted to thank su for giving me a push in the right direction -- and for boosting my spirit to write at least a story.

look to hear more from me in upcoming weeks. now, i'm really going to stop. i hope everyone's having an excellent, sweat-free weekends...

meanwhile i'm enjoying every seconds spent with hub and thaqif..

just look how annoying he was when i snap his picture


Friday, January 19, 2007

i'm sitting right infront of this little sam (my samsung notebook) of mine, with a facial mask on, with the tv and music on too but without hub beside, he had to work late nite shift again.. well this is me pampering myself after a long week at work. work... is hard to define these days. it has lost that notion of breaking a sweat to get things done and the anxiety involved in resolving tricky issues. work no longer requires me to think beyond my capacity, it has stopped to challenge me tho, i'm clearly aware there are cons. indeed, life is a bed of roses and i've been frolicking in it to my heart's content wondering if there's more than being a free loader.

"sipping a cup of hot chocolate" - care to have some???
